Diana Hendry

Diana Hendry grew up by the sea on the Wirral peninsular. The Watching Stair (2018) is her first collection with Worple Press. She’s published five other full collections including The Seed-Box Lantern: New & Selected Poems, two pamphlets – the most recent being Where I Was 2020 – and a joint publication with Douglas Dunn and Vicki Feaver (Second Wind, Saltire Soc). She’s won first prize in the Stroud International Poetry Competition and the Houseman Society Poetry Competition and (with Hamish Whyte) was awarded a Robert Louis Stevenson fellowship.
Of her forty-plus children’s books, ‘Harvey Angell’ won a Whitbread Award and her YA novel ‘The Seeing’ was short-listed for a Costa Award. Her books have been dramatised and read on BBC radio. Diana has also published a collection of short stories, ‘My Father as an Ant’ and has had a number of stories published in journals and read on the BBC.
She’s been a Royal Literary Fund Fellow based at Edinburgh University; a Writer-in-Residence at Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary and a co-editor of New Writing Scotland. For a number of years she’s reviewed fiction for The Spectator. She’s assistant editor of Mariscat Press and lives in Edinburgh.